To aid in spells and rituals to represent the element of Earth. Great for spells dealing with spirits, the dead and necromantic intentions.
Used for spells and rituals for protection and purification. Wards off negative intentions and magic. Used as a sleep aid and to treat anxiety.
Used for healing, inner peace, calming and sleep. Spell work for love, health and protection.
Great for spells of love and happiness. Fantastic for those who seek prosperity.
Jinx removing. Keeps evil forces and negative energy away. Protects against bad neighbours.
Cloves are potent in rituals used for banishing negative energies and spirits, and in magic seeking to aid or begin love and friendship.
Agrimony has a long tradition of being used to expel spirits, cause others to sleep, and even treat wounds.
Brings luck, clairvoyance, psychic awareness, helps with dream work protection spells, returns lost love and calms.
Since antiquity Calendula has been known as a herb that could aid in comforting the heart and mending wounded spirits.
Said to increase magical energy and aid in divination spells, Damiana Leaf is also believed to be of use in dream magic and clairvoyance, as well as sex magic.
Dandelion Root is a powerful aid in summoning spirits and it is also quite useful in rituals of purification, as well as often being added as a green to salads.
Elder Berries have long been believed to be able to aid in warding off evil influences, curses and other harmful spells.
Preparation for any ritual as it burns away negativity and raises the energy of the space. Exorcism as well as mediation, protection, purification and consecration.
Hawthron has long been used in work meant to increase fertility and often decorates the tops of May Poles. It is also connected to Masculine Energy, Mars and Fire.
The herb horehound has diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, and stimulant properties. In antiquity, its juice was primarily used as a bechic or pectoral to treat respiratory illness.
Used to help overcome obstacles and achieve goals, as well as protect against negative energies and curses. Also great for love spells and similar magic.
Traditionally associated with love spells, particularly those attracting lust and passion. Hibiscus Flowers are also good for divination and dream magic.
Used in healing spells, to relieve depression or for a positive disposition. Add to bath sachets for ritual purification bathing or as an infusion for cleansing objects, hang in home for negativity clearing.
Frequently associated with the moon or the element of water, Willow Bark can be good for spells and rituals of healing as well as those of binding.
Often used to protect against evil spirits. Mugwort is also believed to dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and divination.
Often used when seeking love or good luck. Red Clover can also be used in blessings for pets and livestock and seeking good fortune in financial arrangements.
A powerful aid in warding off evil spirits and vampires. Vervain is also a great aid of divination, tranees, dream magic and creating love spells.
Great for clarity, longevity, purification, friendship, happiness, aura cleansing, awareness and love.
A traditional aid in reversing magic and driving away troubles. Patchouli is also good for divination and spells of passion and love as well as sex magic.
A powerful aid for protective and love magic. Lemon Verbena can be used to help dreaming or attract the opposite sex, and to increase the power of other charms.
Most commonly of use in treating gasie pain and indigestion. Wormwood is also believed to aid in reducing fevers and in treating the circulatory system.
Uva Ursi carries with it the powers of protection and strength and is used to heighten psychic abilities. Strengthen divination, mediation and magical efforts.
Often used in handfasting ceremonies and weddings. Yarrow Flower is also helpful in spells of divination or in treating wounds, colds, coughs and the flu.
A good herb for divination. It can be used in spells and charms to bring good luck and attract money and wealth. Used in Hoodoo as a charm for gamblers.
Believed to be a powerful magical herb, offering protection against poison and illness, also used to remove curses and help in exorcisms.
Used as a symbol of love and to bless weddings with fidelity, honesty and transparency, longevity, and earth wisdom. Use it for past life recall and psychic detox. It is also excellent for purification, love and lust, good health, healing and preventing nightmares.
A delightful herb used to bring fairies into one's life. Used to ward off evil spirits and in rituals of burial. Thyme can be used for protection from evil, good luck and to communicate with relatives who have passed into death. Thyme also brings courage and ambition.
Sage sis the most sacred herb. A most powerful broom to sweep away undesired influence from a circle would be made of sage. Sage represents courage, strength and banishes all evil. Sage manifests good business and decision making. Associated with bringing wisdom and encouraging self-esteem.
Extremely useful in divination, clairvoyance, and inducing visions. Ideal for protection from psychic attacks, boosting general magic and aiding psychic development. Used in clairvoyance and wisdom brews. Ideal for harmony, wish magic, protection, purification, strength, spell breaking and dispelling negative energies.
Is associated with goddesses. Jasmine has the ability to give psychic protection and brings health to one's aura. This herb represents femininity and is related to the manifestation of the Maternal aspect of the Universe.
Ideal for psychic abilities, luck, money, prosperity, health, love and attraction and divination.
Ideal for love, fertility, happiness, healing, friendship and success. It is primarily used in the pursuit of romance. It attracts love into one's life. It is typically used in spells and charms for love, healing and success.
Protection, lust and love. Protective when hung at the door or carried in protection sachets. Dill stimulates lust when smelled. Also used in money spells.
An ancient form of protection against black magic, curses and other negative energy. Mullein also helps keep away demons and instill courage.
Great to use for money spells and for safe journeys. It is a strong herb for protection against any type of negativity, especially when traveling and particularly for protection in astral realms.
Popular among midwives throughout the world. Motherwort earns its name by being a herb commonly prescribed to help ease the process of child birth.
Herb of immortality. It is used in women's rituals to signify the celebration of womanhood. Brings longevity or can be used in banishment spells to rid yourself of unwanted people, events or spirits. Tansy is also used in funeral rituals as it is said the scent helps the spirits of the dead on their journey to the afterlife. Signifies rebirth and renewal.
Offers protection, purification, lust, love and communication with spirits among others. Parsley brings communication with the Goddess, that of the loving Maternal aspects of the Universe.
Can be used to stay focused and energized. Symbolizes abundance, wealth, money, prosperity and riches. Ideal for prosperity, success, protection, love and all spells related to spiritual self. It can give you psychic power and astral protection.
Money Salts are used for bath rituals to attract prosperity to you.
Love Salts are used for bath rituals to attract love to you.
Protection Salts are used for bath rituals and to protect your positive vibrations.